Content That Converts
Content That Converts
Content That Converts ↝ Content That Converts ↝
Create content that matters.
Content is king but it can be difficult to wear your crown through all of the “content noise”. By sharing your unique perspective and encouraging your audience to interact with you, you’ll be on the right track to creating content that truly matters.
Each piece of content should be carefully created with your audience in mind.
Who is the content for? What are you trying to tell your audience through your content?
What is the purpose behind your content? Are you trying to direct your audience to your website to buy something?
What type of content are you going to make? (Blog posts, videos, static images etc.)
What is your content going to look like? (Text heavy, colourful, photography etc.)
What are you going to title your content? Will you ask a question or make a statement?
How will your content give back to your audience? What does seeing your content give or do to your audience?
How will you capture your audience’s attention and entice them to buy from you?
How will you know what type of content is working?
Creating content is more than designing images and filming video trends; there’s a strategy to it.
We’re your digital teammate and we’re here to help you!
The same reasons why you would hire an accountant to do your taxes, a contractor to renovate your house or a hairstylist to cut your hair is the same reason why you should hire us to create your content.
Content creation has a strategy to it. It’s there to establish your authority, build trust with your audience and ultimately convert them into customers.
When we create your content we will:
Design social media images for each of your platforms (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn)
Film and edit videos for your TikTok, YouTube and website
Write accompanying copy for your videos and images
Create internal documents for your business (business cards, reports, menus, banners etc.)
Film and edit your podcast episodes for your social media platforms, Youtube channel and website
Most importantly, free up your time to focus on the parts of your business that matter most to you.
*Content Creation investment starts at $750 CAD
As your digital teammate, we work as an extension of your business.
Women are expected to juggle multiple roles. Balancing your time and energy between work, family and yourself is challenging - especially when you’re building a business.
As your digital teammate, we take care of your website, marketing, content creation and social media so you can focus your time on what matters most to you:
Extra time on your business
Extra time with your family
Extra time for yourself
Want to reclaim
your time?
As your digital teammate, we are your personal website, marketing, social media and design team.
I’m Dana Bizzarrino-Ramsay, owner and creative director behind Creativo!
I bring over 7 years of experience in the web and marketing field. I’m dedicated to helping solopreneur women with their websites, marketing, content creation and social media.
As your digital teammate, I’ll help you grow your business and give you more time to focus on what matters most. I look forward to connecting and learning more about you and your business!